
Moving Around a Drawing

The Basic palette contains the pan, zoom in, zoom out and page move tools.

The pan tool is used to 'grab' your drawing and move it around the screen, changing what piece of it displays in the drawing window. To use the tool select it, move the cursor into the drawing window (the arrow cursor will change into a hand) and click and drag.

The page move tool changes your drawing position on the representation of the printed page visible on the screen. To use the tool select it (from the pull-out menu under the pan command), move the cursor into the drawing window and drag.

The zoom in tool works in two ways. Firstly, double-clicking on the tool doubles the magnification of your drawing. Secondly, the zoom in tool can be used to view a small portion of your drawing by dragging a marquee over it.

The Views bar (below) contains a number of tools for zooming around your drawing as well as options for saving views of your drawing.

A. Back: Click this icon to go to the previous saved sheet.
B. Forward: Click this icon to go to the next saved sheet.
C. Zoom in: This works just like the zoom in tool on the Basic palette.
D. Zoom out: This works just like the zoom out tool on the Basic palette
E. Normal scale: Click this icon to display your drawing in its real-world scale.
F. Fit to window: This command gives you an easy way to quickly display your whole page in the drawing window.
G. Fit to objects: This option causes Vectorworks to display the objects that are selected in the drawing with the largest possible screen.
H. Saved Views Menu: Access to saved sheets and views (Discussed in later notes).

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