
Creating 3D Primitives

Last week we looked at taking 2D shapes and giving them an extrusion value using the Model> Extrude tool. Vectorworks also has many 3D Primitives which does this process in one simple step. There are also tools which create 3D shapes not possible through Linear extrusion, such as cones, spheres and hemispheres.

To model using 3D Primitives go to the 3D Modeling Menu in the Tool Sets Palette.

Cylinders and Cones (By Radius Mode):
Select the view you require and click to determine the objects center point. The computer will then ask you to input a height value (this can always be changed later either manually or through the object Info. Palette). Next drag the mouse out to determine the radius of the Primitive.

Spheres and Hemispheres (By Radius mode):
Click to determine the objects center point, drag the mouse out to determine the objects radius, click again to complete the command. Hemispheres will be drawn with the flat surface at the base, to rotate go to the required view and use the Modify>Rotate> Flip Vertical /Horizontal Commands.

As with all tools, have a go at the different modes of drawing available in the Mode Bar.

Extruded Rectangle / Extruded Polygon:
Click to determine a corner point of the object, input the height value required and then drag and draw to complete the object. Remember to double click to finish Extruded Polygons.

Editing Primitives:
3D Primitive Rectangles and Cylinders act just like extruded 2D Primitives. we can double-click on them and 'go inside' the extrusion. We can now edit the shape, add surface, clip surface etc.

Editing Extruded Polygons is done slightly differently. You will notice that they are called 'Meshes', this means that instead of being one solid object they are made up of many seperate 3D Polygons. Double-click on the Mesh and we can now edit individual planes. Each plane can be given a different colour, or we can delete, resize or move individual planes.

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